Resources for Graduate Students

Applying for external fellowships is an important part of graduate education. Funds from a successful fellowship application will typically cover educational and living expenses while grants usually cover expenses related to specific projects. The application process in itself can aid both in clarifying the aims of a research project and in the cultivation of grant-writing skills.

As a graduate student you will also be able to find other forms of financial aid such as research or teaching assistantships that subsidize your tuition or pay a salary. It should be noted that ONSF does not assist students in finding these sources of funding.

For more information on upcoming fellowship deadlines, please view our deadlines page here. There are also several resources available to aid your search for funding, please check out our resources page.

International Students

Here are some resources that may aid you in your graduate funding search:

  • Review presentation slides for guidance
  • Explore the list of scholarships, grants and/ or fellowships for which you might be eligible.
  • The AcademicJobs Wiki’s Dissertation Fellowships page lists fellowship opportunities for graduate students at the dissertation stage.
  • Explore these lists of funding sources specific to international graduate students:
    • UConn ONSF’s list of selected internal and external funding sources for international graduate students
    • The Univ. of Illinois’ Graduate School’s Funding Opportunities for International Graduate Students toolkit (*.pdf)
    • The Univ. of Arizona’s Office of Fellowships & Community Engagement’s Funding for International Students page.

How to Write Letters of Recommendation

  • ONSF’s Resources for Faculty page provides links to several resources that may aid you in writing a letter of recommendation.