
The Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships (ONSF) advises and mentors students applying for nationally competitive external awards that are typically funded by government agencies or private foundations and trusts. In other words, ONSF itself does not award scholarship money but serves as a resource for UConn students who are applying to such programs. Each scholarship has its own rules, guidelines, and deadlines, so it is important to fully explore their website and consult with us as you develop your application.

Some scholarships require that students obtain “nomination” or “endorsement” from their universities before they are permitted to submit a nationally competitive application. In these cases, ONSF serves as the administrator for the nomination process and nominees complete their applications under our guidance. If you are named a finalist in a competition that requires an interview, we will arrange a mock interview and provide sample questions and advice.

Please make an appointment with one of us on Nexus if you would like more information about any of the programs below.

Leadership & Public Service Scholarships

These programs focus on leadership and public service:

International Scholarships

The programs below focus on languages and intercultural exchange. Please note that the Fulbright has its own pages on our site (see the Fulbright tab on the main menu above).

  • Boren Scholars and Fellows study a wide range of critical languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, and Swahili. Boren Awards are available to students of all proficiency levels who are committed to enhancing their skills.
  • The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an immersive summer opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world.
  • The Fulbright US Student Program provides grants for individually designed study or research projects and for English Teaching Assistantships. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction with people in the host country, which promotes mutual understanding across cultural boundaries.
  • DAAD RISE matches undergraduate researchers in STEM fields with internships in Germany.
  • The Gilman Scholarship enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity.

Research Scholarships

These programs focus on research:

  • The Beinecke Scholarship supports graduate education in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • The Churchill Scholarship provides funding to American students for a year of Master’s study at the University of Cambridge, based at Churchill College.
  • The Gaither Junior Fellows program is a very selective, paid postgraduate internship program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.
  • The Goldwater Scholarship awards $7,500 to college sophomores and juniors majoring in math, science, and engineering who plan to pursue careers in research.
  • The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education.